Monday, June 25, 2018


Info-graphic in SEO

In present time info-graphic in SEO is the most effective and most recent method
used for plan of Digital marketing and search engine optimization through social
network. It is mostly form of  graphical visual representation of information or data.
Info-graphics are used on internet for the plan of sharing data or information and
for making links. With the support of good quality graphics you can design appealing
info-graphic that sequence of interesting information and meaningful creative graphics.


The reason of popularity of these info-graphics is that they are more interesting from
long blogs and articles. The processing speed of visual elements such as videos,
pictures, and graphics etc is thousand times more than processing speed of text or
words. The basic form to use these info-graphics as the cause of SEO is to build
qualitative, innovative,descriptive, graphics. Info-graphics are the best and good
intermediate to build first impression on visitors.
The main plan of info-graphics to current the visual representations of data,
information's or knowledge quickly and clearly for any visitor to see current
pattern and trends of graphics.

Key Elements of a Successful Info-graphic

The  key elements of info-graphics are
The Story
Graphs and chart
The Story
The plan behind an info-graphic is to reveal a story. Without a story, an info-graphic
is just a graphic so its depend on you what you want to  in reveal a story? And this
story good for your business and Why you want to reveal this story? And who you
are revealing this story to?
The most important component in an info-graphic is accurate and relevant data.
You need to ensure that your data is accurate and that means using accurate sources.
Once your input has been sourced and is nicely standardized, it’s time to write copy.
This is an info-graphic, but you still wish snippets of copy to arrange context to input
and tie the overall story together. Your info-graphic should be quite short and descriptive
because it will be the part of posts,  tweets, and pins , so keep it short and simple.the
most important thing which is headline it is the key of engaging your audience.
When your start design of your info-graphic keep 2 things in your mind color and font
Keep your color scheme to a maximum three colors. Too many colors can make your
graphical design confusing.
Select appropriate fonts which is legible in both large text and small text and keep it simple.
Graphs and Charts
Graphs and charts in an info-graphic are not your essential excel bar graphs and pie charts.
They are the graphs and charts which display the data in a unique and creative way and
these graphs and charts depends on the data of the story. Don’t overload your info-graphic
with graphs and charts.

Advantages of Info-graphic submission

Use of info-graphic submission in SEO offers various advantages
These advantages are

advantages of info-graphic

On social media like Twitter and Facebook, these info-graphics are shared more commonly
than other information available in form of text.
Info-graphics can be used in websites to convey complicated information incomprehensible
Many people mostly prefer to convey their point of view through an info-graphic.
High user interactivity
Increased power of retaining user
Social media sharing
More traffic to a website
So SEO training in Chandigarh sector 34 A offered by CBitss Technologies best known in
Institutions where all regular and advanced SEO techniques described and taught in depth.
Info-graphic is also part of search engine optimization generally in off-page SEO where we do
submissions so if you want to join the practical session of SEO training and how to build
info-graphics you can join CBitss technologies.



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